Paradise Agogo, situated on Soi LK Metro in Pattaya, is one of the larger go-go bars in the area. Soi LK Metro forms an L-shaped road, acting as a secondary hub for go-go bars after the more renowned Walking Street. These bars on LK Metro tend to be favored and frequented by regular visitors to Pattaya, although Paradise manages to attract a diverse clientele.
Paradise is positioned closer to Soi Bukhao than Soi Diana. Nevertheless, it is easy to locate, featuring a prominent sign in English that spells out “Paradise.” Occasionally, you may find women outside the bar, although their primary role is inside, where they entertain customers on the stage. This is far from what one would consider a quiet establishment.
Paradise on LK Metro The interior of Paradise is a spacious and open area, with stadium-style seating on both sides of the room. There are stools running along the entire length of the stage. The stage itself is well-illuminated, with poles running its length and a rounded end. Although the stage may appear smaller due to being frequently occupied by Thai women in small bikinis, the bar is, in fact, quite substantial.
The spaciousness becomes even more apparent during the bar’s various events. For example, they occasionally feature Pacific Islander-themed events, complete with a performer in a hula skirt dancing around the room and playing a bongo. This unique entertainment appears to put the dancers in a cheerful mood, although it is unclear how much attention it garners from the patrons focused on the women on the stage.
The women are undoubtedly the primary attraction of this establishment, as is the case in all such venues. One can’t help but wonder how many owners of go-go bars recognize this fundamental truth. While a lively atmosphere and special events may appeal to a particular segment of the clientele, it’s clear that if there were no women in the bar, there would likely be very few men inside. One need only observe an empty beer bar with a live cover band to confirm this reality.
The Alluring Staff Paradise certainly does not disappoint when it comes to the female staff. The bar employs as many or even more women than most other go-go bars of its size. Moreover, the women consistently appear to be cheerful and in high spirits. This sets the establishment apart from some others where dancers perform a weary routine, gazing off into the distance as they await the end of their shifts.
Paradise boasts dozens of women working on its premises. Most of these ladies are in their twenties and relatively good-looking. They don purple bikinis that reveal just enough of their bodies. From the stage, one can get a good sense of their actual appearances, and it becomes even clearer when they come down for a lady drink. The women do tend to become quite comfortable, though the atmosphere never reaches the level of a venue like Windmill.
One of the more notable dancers who graced Paradise’s stage in the past sported a gothic-style tattoo that read “FUCK ASS” across her posterior. She achieved some online fame after appearing in adult videos. While she has moved on, a few other ladies have stepped in to take her place. During my last visit to Paradise, at least two women had the words “fuck ass” permanently inked on their cheeks. According to the women themselves, neither of them actually engages in anal activities, suggesting that the tattoos may be more about appearances than reality.
In Summary The majority, if not all, of the dancers at Paradise are quite approachable, especially when it comes to barfines. This is not a place where women routinely turn down patrons. While this may seem obvious in a Pattaya go-go bar, the reality is that in some bars, women frequently reject a significant number of men. They may employ indirect tactics, such as asking customers to purchase a certain number of lady drinks or wait until a particular time at night. At Paradise, things are much more straightforward.
It’s important to note that this does not guarantee that every woman working at Paradise would accompany any man who asked. It simply means that, in a general sense, the women here are outgoing, friendly, and looking to earn money in multiple ways. This is reminiscent of how go-go bars used to operate years ago, albeit without some of the more explicit in-bar activities that are now confined to a dwindling number of venues.
Paradise represents a modern go-go bar, or at least its idealized version. It is large, clean, boasts a lively atmosphere, and features numerous friendly women in bikinis. This is the image that many men have in mind when they think of a go-go bar, and in this case, their expectations are not unfounded. It may not be the best place on Earth, but it is far from being a subpar establishment.
The world has undergone significant changes in recent times, and there may be more to come. Nevertheless, places like Paradise paint a vivid picture of a particular time and place. It’s easy to understand why Paradise attracts men from around the world, especially when the bar’s management is astute enough to share frequent updates, pictures, and videos on the internet for potential customers to see.
Address:- Soi LK, Pattaya, Thailand, 20150
Service area:- Pattaya, Chon Buri, Thailand