Please note that if your booking our escort. the fastest way(10minutes you can meet escort) is by Sending and SMS to our SMS line:

Are you horny and tired from work? Its time to reward and pamper yourself with the best escort in the city.

Are you looking for Russian. European or Arab escorts?

If you want to meet asap. I can meet you in 10minutes. just visit the website and choose your escort and follow the booking procedure.

Available to meet mature. businessman or high profile gentleman during his leisure time in a 5star hotel

you are guaranteed that:

–all pictures are 100% genuine

–very discrete meet up

–no hidden charges

–moneyback guarantee if not satisfied or not the escort you requested

–moneyback guarantee if you feel you are being rushed

–moneyback guarantee if your desires/fantasies wasn’t fulfilled

–100% clean. young and fresh escorts

–very fast meet up. 15mins upon booking

kindly visit website so you can choose your escort:


or seach the google: “expatescort.com”


we will provide anything you desire. no restrictions… ANAL is included.

EMAIL: inquiry.expatescort.com



If you want to become our VIP CLIENT. we have escorts only esclusive for VIP MEMBERS.Bieng a VIP is very useful if your a traveller and always looking for a companion. Thousands of clients waiting for you. Click the link below and sign up for FREE:


For fast booking and meet up with the escort please SMS the number below.

SMS/TXT booking line:

website: http://expatescort.com

email: inquiry.expatescort.com

we are open 24 hours… My details Below mentioned

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