Celine – Colombian girl Bogotá

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Celine – Colombian girl Bogotá

(4 customer reviews)

“100% as shown in the pictures”
Older women are the fieriest because they know. enjoy. take advant Age . and hormones are at the top. She has a unique sexual energy and is really enjoying this new phase of her life. She has a catalog face. One of a kind.
The service is usually bridal treatment. kissing. relationships without limit of times for paid time. oral. all with condoms. However. the time with the company of your choice is yours. If you want something special. it may have an extra cost. Please. ask me.

“100% igual a la fotos”
Las mujeres mayores son las más fogosas porque conocen. gozan. aprovechan y las hormonas están al tope. Ella tiene una energía sexual única y realmente está disfrutando esta nueva etapa de su vida. Tiene una cara de catálogo. Única en su especie.
El servicio comúnmente es trato de novia. besos. relaciones sin límite de veces por el tiempo pago. oral. todo con condón. Sin embargo. el tiempo con la compañía de su elección es suyo. Si quiere algo en especial quizá tendrá un costo extra. Orientation Heterosexual Height 160 cm / 5?3? Ethnicity – Latina Bust Large Age 35 Shaved Yes Smokes ?No Hair Color – Red Nationality – Colombian Gender – Female Place – Bogotá
Colombia Contact me at : +57 300 318 4369

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4 reviews for Celine – Colombian girl Bogotá

  1. henry90

    Met her on the 12th of April, sorry for the late review but absolutely stunning petite woman who knows how to rock it in bed

  2. bikky

    Wow.. she is lovely and genuine girl. I had fantastic cam session with her and I’ve enjoyed a lot. I’ll definitely recommend her.

  3. luca

    had a couple of sessions with her. very professional and Genuine. Highly recommended

  4. john

    Have had 2 cam shows with her which have been amazing.
    She really satisfies you which makes me want to come again.

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